1.有些故事不一定要讲给每个人听 有些悲伤不一定谁都会懂
Some stories don't have to be told to everyone. Some sadness doesn't have to be understood by everyone.
2.明知没有希望 偏偏还要奢望 结局只能失望
Knowing that there is no hope, but expecting the end can only be disappointed.
3.有一种人永远都活在回忆里 因为那只是曾经
There is a kind of person who will always live in the memory because it is only once.
4.时间不是让人忘了痛 而是让人习惯了痛
Time is not to let people forget pain, but to let people get used to it.
5.等失望攒够了不用你说 我自己走
When disappointment is enough, don't you say I'll go by myself.
6.最恶心的就是 新鲜感过后的敷衍和那句我没变
The most disgusting things is the perfunctory feeling after the novelty and the sentence I haven't changed.
7.我曾经那么相信你是我的幸福 可惜 你想要的幸福里却没有我
I used to belive that you are my happiness, but unfortunately you want happiness without me.
8.后来 我们什么都有了 却没有了我们
Later we had everything but we didn't.
别回头 别犹豫
太急没有故事 太缓没有人生